pitches at the 2022 Yangtze River Delta Blockchain Industry and Finance Matchmaking Conference
3 min readFeb 24, 2023

-- was a 1st place prize winner during “Technology Innovation China, Digital Economy” 2022 Yangtze River Delta Blockchain Application Innovation Competition. Recently took its BoAT show on the road to the exclusive No 8. On the Bund venue location to participate in an industry-finance matchmaking meetup and evangelical pitch for green carbon energy and sustainability. 2022 Yangtze River Delta Blockchain Application Innovation Competition sponsored this event, co-organized by the Shanghai Association for Science and Technology, and the “Science and Technology China” Digital Economy Technology service group, the Shanghai Blockchain Technology Association, and the Shanghai Yangtze River Delta Blockchain Industry Promotion Center and undertaken by Shanghai Taiyu Technology Co., Ltd.

The roadshow initially invited more than 20 financial and investment institutions to actively participate, including Fosun Capital、CHUANG HOUSE CAPITAL、New Access Capital、APEX Capital、CGB、China CITIC Bank、Meridian Capital、Alibaba、TigerFund、Hengdi Capital、cygnusequity、Wanxiang Group、FullTruckAlliance、CHINA RENAISSANCE、West Summit Capital、CDH Investment、PNP、Industrial Bank and other institutions, making the 2022 National Mass Entrepreneurship and Innovation Week activity a very crowned and exciting networking session to attend.

Mia Tang, VP Ecosystems of, delivered a pitch on the theme, “Internet of Things plus Blockchain Trusted Green Carbon Digital Base”. During this industry-finance matchmaking meeting, focused on its own “Technology + Business + Ecosystem” integration innovation thesis, as they seek out deeper collaboration opportunities in industry and finance. The mission ahead for is to strive for more digital transformation for enterprises to carry out BoAT’s green carbon empowerment and jointly build up a credible green carbon digital infrastructure, monetizing the environmental assets of enterprises with digital innovation.

About is a technology start-up focusing on the integrated innovation of IoT and Blockchain. By combining its own rich resources in the IoT industry, has raised the standard for an open-sourced blockchain application framework BoAT (Blockchain of AI Things) with delivered via IoT chipset and module to enable IoT devices quickly implement trusted data on-chain and access the blockchain services. At the end of 2019, and nine mainstream cellular wireless module manufacturers jointly initiated the Blockchain IoT Module alliance, and successively released their own brands of BoAT blockchain module products. This resulted in hundreds of millions of IoT devices equipped with the capability of blockchain services access as a trusted entry of IoT+Blockchain application.’s vision is to leverage an alliance of global IoT vendors to empower them to tap the value of applications and data.

At the beginning of the project launch in the end of 2018, received angel investment from the IoT industry expert group and strategic investment from Wanxiang Blockchain. In December 2018, was awarded membership into ARM Accelerator Camp. In June 2019, emerged as the founding member of China Unicom IoT and Wanxiang Blockchain IoT+Blockchain Joint Innovation Center. In November, became a empowerment partner of Microsoft’s AI and IoT Lab . In August 2020, transitioned into Tencent’s Blockchain Accelerator program as the first member. In February 2021, joined RISC-V International as strategic member and initiated to form new Blockchain SIG (special interest group). In April, initiated 1st China technical requirements standards for trusted blockchain access of IoT terminals.



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Trusted identity authentication and privacy-preserving data computation solution for the enterprises of AIoT

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